How to Take a Sand Heart Photo!

How to take a sand heart photo! Ever wondered how to make a sand heart? Maybe you tried and it looked more like a peach (this was us on our first attempt lol)

Here are a few tips:

  1. Trace your heart in the sand. We made ours about 2 ft wide. Keep in mind the wider your heart, the deeper you’ll have to dig to be able see the shape of your heart in the photo. Tracing first makes a big difference (our first attempt looked more like a peach lol)

  2. Start digging inside the heart you just traced. We dug about 3ft deep. We placed our phone in the heart to keep checking our progress as we dug. 

  3. SAY CHEESE! Once you can see your full heart in your camera, you’re ready for your pic! We used the front facing camera on the 0.5x setting.

  4. Don’t forget to fill your heart with sand so no one walking the beach gets hurt!

    Show us your love for Brigantine and tag us in your sand heart on Instagram! We’ll share everyone’s sand heart on our stories.


Holliday Architects


Mission Café