Seeds of Sustainability - Brigantine Green Team


Brigantine Green Team envisions a safer, cleaner and — yes — greener future for the city!

Brigantine Community Center Garden

Since planting its roots in 2013, the Brigantine Green Team has flourished across the island. What started as an effort to improve Brigantine for future generations has grown into a tremendous all-volunteer network of eight committees focused on making the city greener, cleaner, healthier and an overall more sustainable place to live.

"We are the Green Team. We’re green - we're not red and we're not blue. We keep politics 100 percent out of it and, because of that, we have over 70 volunteers of every political affiliation," Brigantine Green Team Chairperson Janette Kessler said.

"Everyone in our community cares about keeping Brigantine safe, clean and healthy. That is what we focus on." said Janette. "The Green Team takes our responsibility to the City of Brigantine, its residents and visitors very seriously and the Green Team volunteers are simply the best!"

The Brigantine Green Team is a formal advisory committee to the city and is part of the statewide Sustainable Jersey municipal program, under which it has earned bronze certification. Becoming certified under Sustainable Jersey is no small feat, requiring a number of priority and prerequisite action items to earn points and demonstrate a municipality's commitment to sustainability.

"We've had bronze for years," Janette said. "We have been working toward silver. We're working on a lot of projects that have a lot of points."

With a number of successful ventures under its belt, such as the longtime Farmers Market and the recent Bridge Fest, knowing the Brigantine Green Team has more projects in the works is an exciting prospect.

"Hopefully we're in a good place moving forward," Janette said.


A self-professed "historic volunteer," Janette has long prioritized the giving of her time and talents to help others. Therefore, getting involved with the Brigantine Green Team in 2014 was a no-brainer and - bonus! - this volunteer venture blended perfectly with Janette's job as the risk manager for the Atlantic County Utilities Authority.

“It complemented my career ... and has evolved into something wonderful," Janette said. "Volunteerism to me is the most important thing you can teach your children or pass on to someone." The sheer number of dedicated Green Team volunteers has helped the group grow into what it is today, with eight committees spearheading different sustainability efforts around the island.

Brigantine Community Center Garden

'There are a lot of committees, so there are a lot of opportunities within those committees to get involved, Janette explained.

The eight committees include the Community Garden, Water Conservation, Health and Wellness, Recycling and Sustainability, Creative, Brigantine Local Business, Energy, and Farmers Market committees. Before taking the helm as chairperson four years ago, the latter was Janette's first foray into the group and easily one of the most recognizable Green Team efforts.

"Everyone knows the Farmers Market, and a lot of people don't realize the market is the Green Team," Janette said. "It's one of our Sustainable Jersey action items."


Longtime Brigantine Green Team member Fran Ashley Paullin stepped into the role of Farmers Market manager in 2022. Running the show means Fran now wears many hats, juggling administrative duties with hands-on work alongside her seven fellow committee members and approximately 10 regular volunteers.

"It's kind of like being a ringmaster sometimes, but in a good way," Fran said with a laugh. "But for everyone on the committee, for all of us and the volunteers, it is truly a labor of love."

While the Farmers Market runs from the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day, with two more dates in the fall, it is a year-round effort that requires an incredible amount of dedication and planning to coordinate the 60 full-time summer vendors and 20 rotating pop-ups, ensuring the market offers a wide variety of items.

Brigantine Community Center Garden

"We want to provide local access to fresh and healthy foods and unique artisan goods. Another goal is that we want to support local businesses - and by local we mean Brigantine and within a 50-mile radius," Fran explained.

Vendors must make, grow or farm what they peddle. In addition, there are six free rotating spots for Chamber of Commerce members. "Charity Row" gives space for local nonprofits.

"We try to be a real community organization," Fran said. "It's really rewarding for me and all the volunteers every week, when people come up or we overhear them saying nice things about the market."

Farming is the name of the growing game for the Community Garden committee, too.

When former Green Team Chair Lisa McClay submitted a Sustainable Jersey grant in 2015, the first seeds of the project were planted - figuratively and literally. Since then, the garden has become more self-sustaining and extended its growing season each year. Unlike most community gardens that rent plots out to individual gardeners for personal use, the Brigantine venture sets itself apart by growing fresh produce for those who need it.

"We established it as a community garden that would give back to the community, garden manager Judy Starkey said. "Our produce goes to Meals on Wheels, and it also goes to the Presbyterian Church, which runs the food bank on the island. Anything leftover between those two goes to the senior center."

Located behind the Brigantine Community Center, the entirely organic garden started as a 50-by-100 foot plot of Green Acres property donated by the city. Over the years, the city contributed more space to the project, helping the original 12 raised garden beds grow to 14. Old compost bins serve as containers for sweet potatoes. There are two fig trees and two mulberry trees on the property too.

"We utilize every space we have," Judy said.

If one can plant it in New Jersey, the Brigantine Community Garden crew has probably tried it out. The bounty includes tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, sugar snap peas, carrots, spinach, lettuce - a lot of the types of produce that don't require cooking, which is optimal for Meals on Wheels. An abundance of sweet potatoes and squash this year turned into hearty, delicious soups for the seniors.

"We also did a lot of fall gardening this year - planting in August, and harvesting in mid-October. So, we're extending the time. It was originally June to September. Now it's March to November," Judy said.

"For community gardens, it's pretty darn good, she continued. "We do grow with a definite purpose, and we're pretty proud of it."


The Brigantine Green Team is always looking ahead.

In addition to continuing its longtime efforts, including eight environmental cleanups a year, the group is always brainstorming new ways to turn Brigantine, the state, and beyond into a more sustainable place to live.

Volunteers are always needed and welcome, and someone who has any time to donate, from an hour a season to an hour a day, can come on board. There are plenty of opportunities, according to Janette.

Those who are interested can show up at one of the Brigantine Green Team's weekly meetings at 7pm the second Thursday of the month at the Brigantine Community Center, 265 42nd Street; email the team at; or reach them via Facebook @brigantinebeachgreenteam.

Anyone who wants to make a difference is encouraged to reach out.

"The Green Team has done a wonderful job. It's what we all want to do - make this a top notch community," Judy said. "We care about our island. We care about it very much. and I'm thrilled to be a part of it."


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